Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cat Naps

Posted by AngelQT at 6:34 AM
Zavier has been sleeping less during the day. He's also eating inconsistently. There was a time when he would drink his 2.5 fl. oz. of milk and drift off to sleep for 2-3 hours if not more. Now, at 3.5 weeks old, he is drinking those ounces, then waking within an hour to finish. His long periods of sleep are beginning to diminish during daytime hours, and this would be just fine if he were old enough to keep himself occupied while I moved about the house. Yet, he cannot hold his head up yet, still gets hungry frequently and needs constant attention, so crying is what he does while awake if he cannot be tended to. I also don't think that grandma being here this week- as thankful as I am for her help- is helping; There is a lot of extra "holding time," play, pampering and catering to that has gotten him off schedule during daylight. Yet, night hours are beginning to shape up well. Zavier is doing better with sleeping in his bassinet (if I am consistent with it! :-), is waking every 2-2.5 hours for food and changing, and is even quite sleepy at times when doing so. Unless he has major gas, he pretty much falls back to sleep immediately. I even have to keep him awake to finish his bottles. This gives me home that he is indeed developing a schedule and beginning to distinguish his nights from his days.


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