Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Minor Changes, Major Results

Posted by AngelQT at 8:09 AM
Yesterday marked 4 Mondays since Zavier arrived on this earth! He is getting big so fast, and though I am finding it challenging at times, I am finding that I love that "Little Him" more than life itself, being willing to do anything for him. :-) He also had is one month checkup appointment at the doctor yesterday, weighing a whopping 10 pounds! He is doing well too, though the doctor did recommend that we change to Gerber Good Start's formula, being that Zavier isn't sleeping well after feedings and seems very gassy on the Enfamil. We started him on it yesterday, and so far there is a very noticeable difference. Thus, back to the drawing board on finding coupons for [the new] formula.

I have been feeling frustrated at times though, but my boyfriend, the realist, keeps me grounded, reminding me that I need to just stay calm. I feel like that's easy for him to say sometimes- he gets to "escape" to work everyday- but he will now have Zavier at nights with me, even having to get up for work at 5 each morning. Yes, we are going to have to get this little boy acclimated to a schedule quickly, and have been reading that around 6 weeks of age is a great time start with a bedtime routine. Be it as I am re-acclimating him to this schedule with the new formula, I will probably be able to do so around that time.

So here's to my baby growing healthily and our family feeling continually whole. :-)


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